Since I am transitioning out of holiday mode here, I am not ready to blog on topic and seriously, but instead am taking up the gauntlet Drew McManus threw down and am doing the Meme of Four thing.
Four jobs you’ve had in your life (not in chronological order):
-Census Taker
-Grocery Warehouse Quality Control Auditor
-Beverage Supervisor at a Rennaissance Faire (I was even in costume!)
-Computer Lab Assistant
(Yeah I have had a lot of theatre jobs, but that is what you expect me to list right?)
Four movies you could watch over and over:
-Lord of the Rings Trilogy (cause really, it is only one really long movie, right?)
-The Magnificent Seven (Seven Samurai too, of course)
-Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Four places you’ve lived:
-Cedar City, UT
-Sarasota, FL
-Potsdam, NY
-Honolulu, HI
(Alas, I find I could actually answer this question about three more times without repeating.)
Four TV shows you love to watch:
-The West Wing
-Fullmetal Alchemist
Four places you’ve been on vacation:
-Portland, OR
-Washington, DC
-Zion National Park
-Panama City Beach, FL
Four websites you visit daily:
– (10% for the education, the rest for the entertainment)
Four of your favorite foods:
-Open face everything bagel with veggie cream cheese, slice of tomato and salt and pepper
-NYC pizza
-Hot Dogs with grandmother’s bizarrely appealing barbeque sauce
-Well made carrot cake (as much as I love chocolate, a good carrot cake will lure me away)
Four places you’d rather be:
-Hugging my 10 month old nephew
–Powell’s City of Books
-Night sledding by a full moon
-Still living in the entire second floor of a Victorian house