Augers Well

So for those of you who have never been involved in producing an outdoor music festival on 176 acres, harken unto my words. The Appel Farm Arts and Music Festival ( that I am working on over the next two weeks is all these things and more.

Last weekend, volunteers began erecting 375 stakes at 12 foot intervals across the main part of the grounds and attached snowfencing to it. This coming weekend they will be finishing the job. They will also be lending a hand trimming brush, painting the stages, folding towels, building temporary privacy walls, preparing the hospitality rooms, erecting signs, etc. If the volunteers auger well–drilling holes for the posts–we should be finished with all this around 3:00 as has happened in the past.

More people will come in during the day next week to help prepare the grounds with things that had to wait, answer the phones and fill volunteer packets.

Today, however, was spent planning how to best employ the volunteers. I will be going out tomorrow to begin flagging areas that need to have hole drilled, some of which will be done in cooperation with the box office because they have a system devised which makes the traffic flow more efficiently.

A couple years ago, I had to revamp the entire entryway layout in recognition of the post 9/11 environment we were operating in. We were already checking coolers, etc for alcohol because we are a non-alcohol venue. However, doing a more thorough check meant training screeners better as to how they could go about checking belongings. It also meant the process would take longer.

Many people arrive hours before the event so they can be among the first to rush to the stages and set up blankets close up. I essentially designed a large, secure waiting area where people could stand after they had been screened so they weren’t delayed when the mad rush for seating began. Unfortunately, this required moving the box office elsewhere and revising the pedestrian traffic a bit. The eventual result was a much more efficient system than we had before I think.

Another portion of the day was spent creating evaluation sheets for area supervisors. The festival itself requires about 500 volunteers and they handle almost every aspect of the day from security to stage crew to hospitality to garbage pick up. Veterans serve as supervisors of other volunteers and evaluate their performance so we can make decisions next year about who can be promoted or perhaps moved to a sensitive area and who we want to avoid having volunteer next year.

This system has really worked well over the years. When you are working with volunteers, it can be a little problematic when it comes to sensitive areas like security, stage crew and hospitality. People expect professionalism. This is especially true of the performers who certainly don’t want the crew sloppily handling their equipment or the hospitality people asking for their autograph.

One of the ways we have ensured quality is that we don’t openly solicit volunteers for stage crew and hospitality. Getting assigned to the area is by invitation only, either by the area coordinator or the Appel Farm staff.

One big problem that some festivals have that Appel Farm has avoided is the formation of cliques within certain areas. Some places, you have to know someone to get in any area other than parking or trash pick up. The job areas are often run like personal fiefs. Not only do you face expulsion if you anger the hierarchy in the group, but if you are in another area that depends on their help, you might find their assistance evaporates or is slow in coming as punishment for your offense. No matter that is makes the entire organization look shabbily run.

Since all assignments are ultimately processed by the permanent staff who tend to recommend people of their own for these plum positions, there is usually a mix between people who know each other really well from other festivals and people who know each other really well from working on other concerts at Appel Farm.

The vibe of the festival has really always been more about cooperation with each other and enjoying the day than jockeying for better positions. Last year I almost broke down crying with appreciation. It had been raining heavily for 6 hours and people were still showing up for their volunteer shift because they knew it was important for them to be there. I was extremely touched by their dedication to the organization and their promise to be there unconditionally.

First Day on the Farm

As I noted in my last entry, I am back at the site of my last job for the next two weeks helping the woman who currently has the position prepare for the arts and music festival. I have to say it has been a lot of fun. While the living conditions are a bit more primitive than the one I left (I have to cook my meals in the kitche n of another building in which other people actually live), not actually being responsible for the planning and execution of the event is rather novel and enjoyable.

The transition from leader to follower has been less of a problem than I expected. I was afraid I might inadvertently start saying annoying things like “When I did it, my system was…” or “What you should do is…” Granted, I hadn’t done anything like that when I was answering her questions by email the last few months. Email gives you time to edit your method of expression where live conversation does not.

My other fear was that I might have been hired back because the administration felt the woman who followed me in the position wasn’t quite up to par. People have quietly been hired to help out on a temporary basis before. I didn’t want to be placed in a position where I was expected to quietly clean up mistakes and oversights.

Fortunately, she seems to be on top of everything quite well and I really feel no urge to discuss why my process was better. I didn’t really expect I would, but when someone else is doing a job you felt a deep ownership and investment in, there is always a chance you will recoil in horror at how the other person is ruining what you worked so hard to build.

This is not to say I haven’t wondered what the method to the madness was in a couple of instances and felt some concerns were being addressed a little late in the game. It is my first day so I don’t see the whole picture and I really don’t think things are going in the wrong direction.

My first time doing the job I wasn’t as efficient as the subsequent festivals. I see my place as giving advice to help her avoid problems, but not pressing my opinion upon her so that she can make her own decisions. I don’t plan on being here next year so the more problems she can solve herself, the better. If we end up staying awake until 3 am the night before the festival, I will be there carrying out her directions and not muttering I told you so.

Of course some of this confidence may also be due to the fact that the person who was my assistant on the first festival returned from overseas to help out this year and the person who assisted me last year will be coming in a couple days early to help out this year. They were both crackerjack assistants so my presence and advice is hardly needed this year. And I know they will stay up until 3am with us helping get things done.

On the other hand, their return also means all the festival coordinators who were present when it rained on a festival will be in one place. This year will either verify the curse or be sunny and redeem us.

In future entries I will try to focus more on the process of putting a festival together than talking about what a terrific guy I am not to lord my superior knowledge and experience over the person who inherited my mantle. While I am personally pleased with myself because it might have been a different story 10-15 years ago, it isn’t particularlly illuminating or interesting to the reader and even I get tired of talking about myself!

Slight Shift In Format

Starting Sunday, I am supposed to go and help set up the Appel Farm Arts and Music Festival for two weeks. Since I won’t have the time or access to all the research materials I do from my home base, I thought I would change format for those two weeks and model my blog after Sam Bergman’s Road Trip blog on

It will be fun reflecting and reminiscing. It will also provide an opportunity for me to explore the viability of using blogs as an exercise to explore the processes and choices that are made, discarded and perhaps revisited as I suggested way back when I started blogging.

Hope you will join me. It should be fun.

Drucker on Personnel

I read the last two chapters of Peter Drucker’s Managing the Nonprofit Organization last night. Reading it has convinced me that I really need to go out and buy the book because its insights and guidance is too valuable not to have nearby as a reference source.

The last two chapters deal with collecting a good staff of paid and unpaid personnel and developing yourself, respectively. I fear a discussion of the qualities to look for in an employee will devolve into me holding forth as to why I am qualified under his criteria for all the jobs I have recently applied.

I will say that he gives very solid, well considered advice about the process of interviewing and training people. I gained a great deal of insight into where I and others may have made mistakes in our hiring and training processes. He extends the ideas I mentioned yesterday about communication and conflict resolution into creating and developing constructive relationships with staff, volunteers and board members.

The chapter on personal development affirmed I was correct in looking for a different position that would challenge and engage me. Even though things turned out badly for me when my employers learned I was looking around, it was a far better move personally (though not economically) than deciding to stay out of fear of the poor employment environment. (There have been between 60 and 300 applicants for each job for which I have interviewed. I hate to think how many may have applied for those I haven’t.)

One encouraging element of my recent experience is that I have really begun to feel that I am interviewing with organizations I deserve and which deserve me. I don’t know if it is a change in attitude and perception or if really good organizations are beginning to have opportunities for which I am suited.

Though there might be some more things I could be doing to improve myself. The process of writing this blog and the research it has entailed are exactly the type of self-development activities he encourages. Now to get someone to hire me and pay me for all the experience I have accumulated and all the value I have added to it in the course of writing and researching!

Although I read a great deal, I usually regard the activity as highly personal and don’t voice my recommendation of books. However, I obviously do so in this case. It isn’t very long, but it packs a lot of useful advice into a small space.