Don’t Patronize Our Future Patrons: Empowering Children in Classical Music: Part 2


Holly Mulcahy

Empowering children in classical music experiences requires more than just opening the doors to the concert hall; it demands thoughtful and tailored programming that resonates with children of all ages…and their parents! Tailoring Experiences for Children of All Ages Children encompass a wide range of ages, from the very young to adolescents, each with their own unique needs, interests, and capacities for engaging with classical music. Recognizing this variety is paramount in designing programs that resonate with children across different developmental stages. For younger children, interactive and hands-on experiences are essential in … Continue Reading

Don’t Patronize Our Future Patrons: Empowering Children in Classical Music: Part 1


Holly Mulcahy

As I read through comments from my previous post about the idea of free tickets for kids at symphony concerts, I noticed that many assumptions about kids’ ages, expectations, and experiences were often shaped by personal biases rather than personal experiences. For instance, some suggested designing special concerts for children, overlooking the fact that such events already exist. Other suggestions included tailoring programs or adding entertainment to regular concerts to accommodate children’s attention spans. In my experience, such approaches often result in mere placation, and children can sense it. Automatically assuming what … Continue Reading

The Power of Free Tickets for Kids


Holly Mulcahy

I’ve never been a fan of complementary (comp) tickets for orchestra concerts. I’ve written about that extensively and still firmly believe that having a value attached to a ticket purchase is good for the organization. Here’s what I wrote in 2018 about the comp situation: “Comp tickets are a bad habit! They are continually justified by people in the orchestra industry because: We want a full hall, no matter how. If people like this concert, surely, they will pay for the next. Comps are basically like a musician’s privilege or benefit; musicians … Continue Reading

Breaking the Clapping Trap: Building Bridges, Not Setting Traps


Holly Mulcahy

“I didn’t even know what a ‘movement’ was.” My mom said as she recalled the time she took my brother and me to our family’s first symphony concert. Here’s the horror story in my mom’s words: “We arrived early so we could direct the kids to the front row where we assumed they would have the best view. But all they could see was the conductor and a few violins and cellos. By the time we figured this out, the auditorium had filled and the music had begun. When the orchestra stopped … Continue Reading

The Freedoms We Ignore and Forget


Holly Mulcahy

In concert halls, a familiar scenario unfolds with remarkable consistency: some of the audience will approach a classical concert with trepidation. They often mention the same things, “I’m not sure if I’m listening correctly,” or, “I read the program notes but I’m not sure if I could detect the intricacies mentioned in the notes.” I hear this a lot from patrons. There is a desire to follow perceived rules, to be correct and proper, and assume that program notes are the key to enlightenment and acceptance. However, people learn and listen differently … Continue Reading

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