Hat tip to Philanthropy 2173 for calling attention to a wild fund raising event being sponsored by the San Francisco literacy organization, 826 Valencia, called A Spelling Bee for Cheaters. Essentially, you join or form a spelling bee team which raises money for an entrance fee and then uses additional money to do everything from getting hints, getting a do over, using a dictionary, skipping a round or skipping straight to the finals round. They are doing this in conjunction with the creators of the musical, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.
Though, alas, it doesn’t appear that they are performing the show, too. That would be a real event! Still, this sounds like a great idea for a fund raising event.
One can buy tickets to watch the fun. They are having some cool celebrities at their pre-event VIP reception it might be worth the price to attend.
One of the things I liked about the event set up is that they have a page which allows you to form your own team, join another team or sponsor a specific competitor after searching for them and viewing their personal fund raising page. (Actually, until I copied the link for the previous sentence, I didn’t realize I left their webpage and was on a page hosted by their donation processor, Gifttool.com.) Though not a lot of people availed themselves of the personal pages, yet.