Quick Takes: Time for Management Auditions…

There is a cue that Orchestras could take from the audition process for musicians that can be applied to the hiring of management or even the recruitment of board members…..

From behind the screen 2 musicians are so close in standard that it’s decided that each needs to be field tested in a real situation i.e they are given 1 or more weeks to play in the orchestra.  What’s great about this is that along with the standard of playing and musicianship:  instincts, chemistry, leadership ability and performance under pressure can also be judged and factored into the final decision.  Even after the trials, the musician chosen is given probation.  The process is thorough and gives the most comprehensive assessment of who might be the most suitable fit.

Why not apply this kind of vetting and field testing to the entire organization.  In each position whether it’s CEO, Librarian, Box Office staff, Personnel Manager etc.. there is the need for a relationship with people whether it’s a patron, a co-worker, the board, the musicians, vendors and the list goes on… The field test is a great way to translate what is on paper and in the interview into a tangible assessment of how it might  actually work out.  It would be easy to devise the tests because all the pressure situations have already happened to their predecessors and  just like for the 2 musicians, they can also be put into real situations.

Take it one step further and apply the field test to board members by assessing reactions to situations that can typically arise rather than just looking at resumes….and bank accounts.  There is a long history of board reactions and decisions good and bad that can be drawn upon from many different organizations or even their own organization.

Chemistry, synergy and communication has to be built for the machine to stay well oiled and the business model  needs to be changed from the inside out , not only the outside in.  I know I’m late to the party but Happy New Year!

Next post…How Disney can now be a force in helping orchestras succeed…..they owe us!

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