The final two dream big Arts organizations from the Audience Connection final (here is part 1). Also, as part of their final I wanted them to take a genre of music and redefine it into more clearly understood sub-genres i.e funk, techno funk. I have included clips from two that were very well thought out and presented. For the Holidays, at the end of the post I have included audio from a rehearsal of Franz Biebl’s extraordinary Ave Maria with yours truly conducting Choirs from Evangel University and the College of the Ozarks….
Based on what we have delved into, create a hypothetical new Arts related organization that will benefit a community. Base it on our debates, your research throughout the semester, and make sure it includes both intrinsic and instrumental elements as outlined in the Rand Report – Gifts of the Muse. Most importantly…DREAM BIG!!!!

Next up Mia Joe and an Arts Gallery that is designed to introduce children to different cultures through their arts in the hopes that by introducing the beauty of a culture early, it will lead to acceptance and tolerance later on.
Last but not least Teresa has an idea to bring a community’s artists together for programs to benefit children, artists and charities, with the programming focusing on the families of the children being involved directly. It is a very ambitious idea and covers many facets of how the arts can benefit people. Kelsey also asks a very pertinent question.
[audio:]I wanted them to redefine a favorite genre of music. Classical for instance is such a catch all title, so general, not thought provoking or descriptive in any way. It may seem superficial but I believe for relevance we need to debate the different genre titles that can potentially lend someone unfamiliar to Classical music some kind of imagery or context to draw them in. Since these students have different disciplines I didn’t limit them to Classical music….