So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish

Beginning Monday September 15th, Scanning the Dial is going to kick into a new gear, thanks to my colleague Joe Goetz.  Joe recently became the  Music Director at WFIU in Bloomington, IN.  He’s a professional musician and accomplished radio producer and, more importantly, an energetic  member of the younger generation of classical radio professionals.  I’m delighted to pass the torch.

You’ll read more about Joe in his first post on Monday.

In the meantime, I want to say mille grazie.  Not just for reading these bloggy chicken scratches, but especially for airing the Chicago Symphony broadcasts, America’s Music Festivals, and my various other productions.  You made these classical music  programs  possible.  Monday is my last day as producer of the CSO broadcasts.   For nearly 8 years I have produced a show every week — 398 consecutive weeks without a break — and this is a good time to exit.  The shows will continue with a new producer, yet to be named.

One more personal note: Christopher Ranck at Delmarva Public Radio is using my kid’s shows, Boombox Classroom on his station, so they are available on an FTP site if you want them.  They are free half-hour shows  about classical and world music for kids in K-5.  I have 110 of them, and they’re evergreen (even though a boombox is now anachronistic).  You can hear some samples online here.  If you’re interested, drop me a line:

It’s been great sharing classical radio with you.  Keep up the excellent work!

Much love,




About Marty Ronish

Marty Ronish is an independent producer of classical music radio programs. She currently produces the Chicago Symphony Orchestra broadcasts that air 52 weeks a year on more than 400 stations and online at She also produces a radio series called "America's Music Festivals," which presents live music from some of the country's most dynamic festivals. She is a former Fulbright scholar and co-author of a catalogue of Handel's autograph manuscripts.

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3 thoughts on “So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish”

  1. Kudos to you Marty for more than six fantastic years and keeping classical music radio issues in the forethought of the cultural consciousness!

  2. Marty, thanks so much for all your advice, help and commentary. Everyone- I highly recommend “Boombox Classroom” . It is a delightful show. There is a dearth of good classical music programming for children, and, in my opinion, it’s “low hanging fruit” to attract new audiences to classical music. I always tell new parents (being one myself) that classical music is the one thing you can listen to on the radio in a child’s playroom where you never have to worry about inappropriate content. In the rare case something is “saucy”- it’s probably in Italian, anyway.


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