It has been a few days now and yet I still don’t understand this decision on the part of the San Diego Opera board. But what do I know? I don’t spend every waking moment dreaming about opera, producing opera, conducting opera, etc., so I’ve turned to someone who does.
Don Quichotte Rides Again: Viswa and the San Diego Opera
Just because I’m lazy here’s another post from my colleague Viswa Subbaraman on the San Diego Opera situation: A lot has been going on with the San Diego Opera in the past week. I’m going to try to talk about the most updated information I’ve seen, but it’s changing pretty rapidly. If I’m behind in my analysis, I apologize. I want to preface all of the following tirade with these important disclaimers: I don’t know the exact numbers behind the SDO issues. I have not seen a statement of cash flows, … Continue Reading