Just a brief post here. But something that flew under my radar a few weeks ago was this: Naxos Records and Pandora have reached a multi-year agreement under which Pandora can stream the entire Naxos catalog. Pandora has been streaming classical music for years, but this new agreement, to my eyes, looks like a big attempt on Pandora’s part to up their game in terms of classical music. The Naxos catalog is enormous and very well-organized. One of my biggest critiques of the classical music listening experience on Pandora was its relatively small selection and, as a result, its poor infinite playlist logic. Well, this should improve the experience dramatically – and it could pose a real threat to classical music radio stations. Here’s a link to the press release from Pandora.
If there was ever a time to echo Larry Rosin’s call for public radio stations to create their own classical music app, this would be that time.
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There are classical music stations which have phone apps which for the most part live stream their air signal. I have the WFMT and CBC apps on my phone. BBC live streams, including Radio 3, are available via a number of third party apps.
You’re right, but I’m talking about an interactive app that’s not just a live stream of a particular station. I’m talking about something with the interactivity of Pandora or Spotify, where users can listen to music that suits their tastes. There will always be a place (I hope…!) for host-curated music, but the future is in on-demand, user-friendly content. There’s no getting around it.
How many potential providers are there with access to the wide variety of works needed to make that a reality? I realize that every major classical music station has a large library, but can they get clearance to stream it? And at what cost?
Those are the million dollar questions, aren’t they? I feel like it would have to be done under the umbrella of a larger organization – maybe NPR or the CPB, and then stations could contribute what was in their libraries to make a complete catalog.
It would definitely cost a lot of money – not just for licensing but for developing the app and paying a staff to maintain it. But we just can’t sit by and do nothing.