With the arrival of the New Year, we’re making some changes here at Scanning the Dial. But rather than going on a diet, in a way we’re bulking up.
To start with, I’ve decided to cut back a bit on my contributions to the blog. (I know, that doesn’t sound like “bulking up,” but bear with me.) In recent months I’ve found I need to give more time to other freelance projects, most of which have little to do with classical radio. Given these demands, blogging on a regular basis about developments in the field has been difficult — especially if I aspire to do it with any degree of thoughtfulness, which is important to me. So we’ve arranged for a replacement to step into my role here.
That replacement is Jack Allen, president of All Classical in Portland, Ore. You’re probably familiar with Jack if you’ve been reading our blog regularly. Marty wrote about Jack when he was hired at All Classical in 2008 and did a Q&A with him shortly thereafter. Later we ran a two-part essay by Jack about the future of classical radio (parts 1 and 2). And this year, we ran another essay by Jack detailing some additional thoughts about how classical radio can stay vital and relevant.
In his contributions Jack has demonstrated his keen grasp of the challenges facing classical radio as it evolves and his enthusiasm about the exciting trip through this changing landscape. We’re lucky to have him adding more to the conversation here at Scanning the Dial.
I’m not going anywhere — I’m becoming a “founding contributor.” I’ll still contribute posts from time to time and also post links to my Delicious page with the tag “dial” — these links all pertain to developments in classical radio. If you’d like to keep up with what else I’m doing freelance-wise, keep an eye on my Twitter feed.
It’s been a valuable adventure and a learning experience to help launch Scanning the Dial, to witness the changes in the field and to share this conversation with you. I’ll remain curious to see how classical radio weathers what looks like the continuing growth of news programming on public radio and sell-offs on the commercial side. Meanwhile, what opportunities afforded by blogs, streaming, social networking and the like will classical stations seize?
Whatever happens, we’ll be here following it with you. Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year.
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You have been a very valuable voice in the struggle to keep Classical music on the dial.