New musical discoveries. Deeper understandings of the classical music industry. The quest for excellence as a performer. I delight in the pursuit of all these endeavors, and I want to share my experiences with you.
As an extrovert, I also take tremendous joy in interacting with others. I hope my writing inspires you to express your thoughts, your reactions, or even ask questions.
I publish the first Monday of every month, so be sure to mark your calendars!
The opinions I convey in this blog are solely mine. They are in no way representative of my colleagues in the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra/Washington National Opera Orchestra, the DC Federation of Musicians, the International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians, or anywhere else.
Comment Policy
While I am not one who believes in rigorous censorship, I, as well as the blogmaster, do reserve the right to delete anything that I consider uncivil, off-topic, spam, or an inappropriate advertisement.